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Microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free. MS Word MCQ Quiz - Objective Question with Answer for MS Word - Download Free PDF

Microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free. MS Word MCQ Quiz - Objective Question with Answer for MS Word - Download Free PDF

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(PDF) Top 25 Microsoft Word Interview Questions & Answers | sumit jain - - Microsoft Word MCQ Question 2 Detailed Solution


Key Points. Additional Information. Mistake Points. These can be easily understood if you do it practically on MS word as it has very minute differences which you need to see while performing and reading each point. Important Points. Confusion Points. Start Learning English English. Let's discuss the concepts related to Microsoft Office and Microsoft Word.

Explore more from Computer Awareness here. Learn now! F1 --Universal help for any sort of program. Home -- Takes the user to the beginning of the current line. End -- Go to the end of the current line. The correct answer is Bullets and Numbering. Bullets and Numbering feature of MS Word help to create microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free list in a document. To create a list in MS Word: Select the text required to format as a list.

Click wprd the Bullets or Numbering drop-down привожу ссылку on the Home tab. Select the bullet or numbering style required, and it will appear in the document. Additional Information Word wrap is a word processing feature that automatically transfers a word that has no insufficient space from the end of one line of читать далее to the beginning of the next.

Scaling in MS Word is another text effect to make the text larger or smaller. Get Started for Free Download App. The correct answer is Application Software. It allows users to type and save documents. It tset helpful too for making documents. It is questionx developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, it was first released in Additional Information Compiler: It is computer 2103 that translates source code written in a high-level language e.

Compilers are very large programs, with error checking and other abilities. Operating System OS : It is software that acts as an interface between the end-user and computer hardware.

Every computer must have at least one OS to run other programs. OS helps to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.

System Software: It refers to the files and qhestions that make up the computer's operating system. Answer Detailed Solution Below Option 4 :.

The correct answer is. It first appeared in Office Moves the cursor to the beginning of Document Moves the cursor to the beginning microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free Line Moves the cursor to the beginning of Paragraph All of the above. The correct answer is Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document. Esc Undo the previous action. Split the document window. The correct answer is triple. Key Points If you want to select the entire paragraph in MS Word then move amd pointer to the left of the an and triple-click.

Microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free can also select the paragraph but placing your cursor at the start of the paragraph and press the control shift and down arrow. Clicking on a particular text you will select the entire word in MS Word. If you want to select a particular line in MS Word then move your cursor to the left and click when an arrow appears.

Key Points The Microsoft Word shortcut keys make it easier to do everything from save your document to undo a mistake.

Microsoft Mivrosoft is a word processor developed by Microsoft. The commercial version of Word is licensed as a standalone product or as a component of Microsoft Office or Windows RT. Table Line Spacing Shapes Header. The correct answer is Line Spacing. It helps to adjust the space between lines and paragraphs. Double-click on a sentence to select it 20013 used to select a sentence in a paragraph in MS-Word.

To select the current paragraph, triple-click on the paragraph. To select a sentence and not just a line, hold microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free [ Ctrl] and click once in any place within the sentence. To select a vertical block of text, click at the start of the block. Посетить страницу, hold down the [Shift] key and click a second time answres the opposite end of the block.

This trick is used when only want to copy one column of a tabular list Fred to find the difference in the shortcut These can be easily understood if you do it practically on MS word as it has very minute differences which you need to see while performing and reading each point.

Font style Font Size Alignment. Ldf correct answer is Alignment. Microsoft Word provides for aligning text in paragraphs in four different ways — left alignment, right alignment, centre alignment and justified. Key Points The alignment feature comes under paragraph formatting. It is used for aligning the paragraph in left, right, centre or justifies positions.

Character formatting is defined as the one where changes apply to an individual or group of characters. The features нажмите чтобы узнать больше in character formatting are: font, font style, size, font colour, underline, and effects like superscript and subscript. Font style: It is used to define the style of the characters both alphabets and numbers.

Font-size: It is used to specify the size of the font. Font colour: It is used to specify the colour of the font. Underline: Underline is used to underline the important characters. The correct answer is Rich Text Format. Key Points Ansaers Rich Text Format often abbreviated RTF is a proprietary document file format with published specifications developed by Microsoft Corporation from until for cross-platform document interchange with Microsoft products.

Most word processors can read RTF documents. RTF is a file format standardized by Microsoft for creating answegs text files. RTF files can microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free information such as text style, size, and colour.

RTF format is a universal format. Insert Translate Define Table properties. The correct answer is the Table properties. Table properties can be uqestions to change the width of the columns in a table in MS- Word.

Microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free Points The questionw of the columns can be adjusted by using the mouse. By clicking on the column dividing line and drag it one way or the ansaers. Select the column whose width needs to be changed. Word displays two additional tabs on the rfee Table Design and Layout. Display the Layout tab of the ribbon. Click the Properties option in the Table group. Word displays the Table Properties dialogue box.

The following Column tab is displayed: Using the Preferred Width control, set microsoft word 2013 test questions and answers pdf free column width as gest. Subscript Superscript Underline Strikethrough. The Correct Answer is Superscript.

Important Points A superscript or subscript is a number, anwers, symbol, or indicator that is smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly above it superscript or below it subscript. When we add a trademark, copyright, or another symbol to your presentation, we might want the microsoft word default font 2016 free to appear slightly above the rest of our text.

If we're creating a footnote, you might also want suestions do this with a number. Use the Superscript or Subscript buttons. Select the text or number we want.

Go to Home and select annd Superscript frde or Subscript button. Use keyboard shortcuts to apply superscript or subscript Select the text or number that you want.

Do not press Shift. F1 F2 F9 F The correct answer is F1. Key Points The Help button in Word is too small that will be easily ignored. The Help button stays in the top right corner of the pdd. Shortcut key F1 gta san game pc enable the Help window. Word Count Bookmark Named word Cross-reference.


Microsoft Word MCQ Questions and Answers pdf - Set 02 - ObjectiveBooks


Key Points If you want to select the entire paragraph in MS Word then move the pointer to the left of the text and triple-click. You can also select the paragraph but placing your cursor at the start of the paragraph and press the control shift and down arrow. Clicking on a particular text you will select the entire word in MS Word. If you want to select a particular line in MS Word then move your cursor to the left and click when an arrow appears.

Key Points The Microsoft Word shortcut keys make it easier to do everything from save your document to undo a mistake. Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. The commercial version of Word is licensed as a standalone product or as a component of Microsoft Office or Windows RT. Table Line Spacing Shapes Header. The correct answer is Line Spacing.

It helps to adjust the space between lines and paragraphs. Double-click on a sentence to select it is used to select a sentence in a paragraph in MS-Word. To select the current paragraph, triple-click on the paragraph. To select a sentence and not just a line, hold down [ Ctrl] and click once in any place within the sentence.

To select a vertical block of text, click at the start of the block. Later, hold down the [Shift] key and click a second time at the opposite end of the block. This trick is used when only want to copy one column of a tabular list Approach to find the difference in the shortcut These can be easily understood if you do it practically on MS word as it has very minute differences which you need to see while performing and reading each point. Font style Font Size Alignment.

The correct answer is Alignment. Microsoft Word provides for aligning text in paragraphs in four different ways — left alignment, right alignment, centre alignment and justified. Key Points The alignment feature comes under paragraph formatting. It is used for aligning the paragraph in left, right, centre or justifies positions.

Character formatting is defined as the one where changes apply to an individual or group of characters. The features involved in character formatting are: font, font style, size, font colour, underline, and effects like superscript and subscript.

Font style: It is used to define the style of the characters both alphabets and numbers. Font-size: It is used to specify the size of the font. Font colour: It is used to specify the colour of the font.

Underline: Underline is used to underline the important characters. The correct answer is Rich Text Format. Key Points The Rich Text Format often abbreviated RTF is a proprietary document file format with published specifications developed by Microsoft Corporation from until for cross-platform document interchange with Microsoft products. Most word processors can read RTF documents. RTF is a file format standardized by Microsoft for creating formatted text files. RTF files can include information such as text style, size, and colour.

RTF format is a universal format. Insert Translate Define Table properties. The correct answer is the Table properties. Table properties can be used to change the width of the columns in a table in MS- Word. Key Points The width of the columns can be adjusted by using the mouse.

By clicking on the column dividing line and drag it one way or the other. Select the column whose width needs to be changed. Word displays two additional tabs on the ribbon: Table Design and Layout. Display the Layout tab of the ribbon. Click the Properties option in the Table group. Word displays the Table Properties dialogue box. The following Column tab is displayed: Using the Preferred Width control, set the column width as wanted. Subscript Superscript Underline Strikethrough.

The Correct Answer is Superscript. Important Points A superscript or subscript is a number, figure, symbol, or indicator that is smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly above it superscript or below it subscript.

When we add a trademark, copyright, or another symbol to your presentation, we might want the symbol to appear slightly above the rest of our text.

If we're creating a footnote, you might also want to do this with a number. Use the Superscript or Subscript buttons. Select the text or number we want. Go to Home and select the Superscript button or Subscript button. Use keyboard shortcuts to apply superscript or subscript Select the text or number that you want. Do not press Shift. F1 F2 F9 F The correct answer is F1. Key Points The Help button in Word is too small that will be easily ignored. The Help button stays in the top right corner of the window.

Shortcut key F1 to enable the Help window. Word Count Bookmark Named word Cross-reference. The correct answer is option 1 i. A bookmark in MS Word serves the same purpose as the bookmark you put in place in a book. The bookmark marks a place that you want to find easily, and one that you want to return to when you need it. Sign Up. Create your account now. Signup with Email. Gender Male Female Others. Create Account.

Already Have an Account? Which operation you will perform if you need to move a segment of text? Which would you choose to save a document with a new name? Which of the following is not on Home ribbon?

Solution: Select the Page Layout tab, then click the Columns command. Which option in file pull-down menu is used to close a file in MS Word ? The key F12 opens a:.

A option that is just located below the title bar? Microsoft word is a:. Use Coupon Code. By continuing, I agree that I am at least 13 years old and have read and agree to the terms of service and privacy policy. Forgot Password. Enter OTP. Worksheet - Noun Doc 4 Pages. Fun Video: Adaptations in Plants Video min. Different types of Angle Video min. Olympiad Test: Integers Test 20 Questions.



Microsoft Word MCQ [Free PDF] - Objective Question Answer for Microsoft Word Quiz - Download Now!.+ Microsoft Word Quiz Questions and Answers Pdf - 1

    To see the difference between two similar documents click the compare buttons and select compare from the review tab in the compare group in the Ribbon. An assembler is a program that takes basic computer instruction s and converts them into a pattern of bit s that the computer's processor can use to perform its basic operations.


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